Soundtrack To My Life

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Friday, October 24, 2008

A Symbol

A ring on your finger must be a magnet for curiosity. At least that's the case when it comes to me. Never a week goes by that I don't get asked (usually by a female) "Are you married?" My answer is usually yes, and that ends it. Sometimes the truly nosey people, church members & co-workers usually, go a step further and ask details. Things such as what's HER name, where did you meet HER, any kids, etc. I usually put them in their place and say mind yo own damn business. Sometimes tho' I must admit I like to get a rise out of people and cause controversy so I would say well my HUSBAND'S name is Larry. Jaws usually drop to the floor faster than a 100IB anvil, I love it, lol. People automatically associate a ring on the left hand with the legally binding, contractual agreement known as marriage. What our rings mean to us (The mister and I) is a symbol that we have bond that can't be broken, a love that is eternal, and that we want to express that to everyone. I would not trade the six years I have had with this man for anything in the world. Even tho' I personally feel I haven't always been the best husband, he knows he's the only one for me. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes. He is my Angel. He is my Rock. He is my All. I truly believe he saved my life, and when I slid that ring on his finger I wanted him to know that I proclaim him to be mine as I am his. Whenever I feel down, or feel upset I simply look at my left hand and the sun starts shining again. The ring for me is a symbol of joy.

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