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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Doctor's Orders vol.1: Cut The Fat

This past Thursday I had a doctor's appointment for the results of a blood test they wanted to take. The news was not good. She told me that my triglyceride level was really high, especially considering my age. To be honest with you I didn't know what the hell triglycerides were or why they are important, so I asked my doc what does this all mean. In short she says I'm on a fast track to a heart attack if they continue to rise. She told me a normal count should be 150mg or below. Mine is close to 200, which for my age and height is VERY high. She explained what all this meant and basically the bottom line is I need to go on a diet and exercise(which I already knew).

I can't believe it has come to this. As I said in an earlier post, I know I have put on a few pounds since I been in college, but this is serious. Maybe this is the wake up call I needed to get my ass in gear. All my favorite foods such as pasta pizza, and Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches are all coming backing to haunt me. DAMMIT! Why the hell does all the good tasting food have to be bad for you? Why is it so damn expensive to eat healthy. Think about it... a damn apple cost more than a double cheeseburger from McDonalds. What's up with that?! Have you ever seen a broke Vegan or Vegetarian? Me either, and that's because being a vegan or vegetarian requires much more money than being a Whopper loving slob.

I left the doctor's office and immediately started on my diet quest. I went to Kroger and bought about $60 worth of rabbit food. I bought lots of produce, Salmon, and nasty Hippie food such as flax cereal and organic skim milk. I went home to give the Hippie food a try. I made a bowl of flax seed cereal and O skim milk and it taste just like it looked. Like tree bark dipped in white water. I have no choice though. I must get my triglycerides level down, and under control. A friend of mine had a massive heart attack at the tender age of 32, and I don't want that to be me. As usual I will give y'all my progress. Wish me well :)


  1. I know this feels like, but if you want an EXCELLENT meal plan to follow try I am in a weight loss competition with them and I've lost 18lbs in 3 give them a look

  2. Thanks alot gayte. I am also trying a website called It is suppose to be really good.

  3. I feel you there! Try Honey Nut Cherios & 2% milk. That will help you. Also apples & pinto beans are good(don't eat them together though):-( there is a host of other foods you can eat that I'm sure won't taste like eating cardboard. When I run across the list again, I'll send it to you. Take care & eat well!

  4. Good luck to ya on that man. maybe you should start by just cutting out certain foods(everything fryed)and no fast food. and cut back on the starches ( Rice, Potatoes,pasta) and bread (whole wheat is the way to go).
    with more fruit,veggies and don't forget exercise, you should be good.
