Being as young as I am, I am what is considered a product of the online era. As such it is no surprise that most if not all relationships I see folks in were developed via the web. One trend I see that is becoming more and more "The Norm" is the concept of open relationships. I have to admit I did not know there was a such thing until I got in the "life". My knowledge of relationships came from my parents and older siblings, which meant two people in a monogamous long term partnership. Nowadays I see folks that have the ground work of a long term relationship, meaning they have chosen to build a life together, but they are free to have sex with whomever they chose. An example of this is... I know a couple that met on A4A (which I thought was impossible given the fact that site is for sex), but even though they are together, each one still has an active profile on A4A, M4N, BGC, and all the other such sites. On top of them having profiles, they both still do "meet and greets" with folks on there. This is mind blowing to me. Their reason is an odd one, they say "why should we stop being on there just cause we together, we met on there". To me this is like getting married and saying why should I stop dating, I met you by dating. It makes no sense.
Another thing I see is what I call a new set of rules. The Internet age has created some interesting terms of agreement, and has changed the concept of the "traditional relationship". Having men perform sex acts on cam for you, having an online "friendship" with men you found through a sexually themed website/group, and even couples looking for a third party to be in the actual relationship are now fast becoming acceptable practices. I crafted an entire list of things, situations, and proposals for My mister to see if he thinks those things are acceptable in a relationship. Being that he is old school I wasn't surprised that he said no to majority of the list. Some things I asked were is it cool for me to have an active profile showing my dick and ass. He said hell no. I asked if it was cool for me to have cam to cam (or c2c) with someone. He said hell no. I asked if flirting with some hot guy at a party or wherever okay. He said hell no. I ran this list by one of my buddies who is in one of these new age relationships, and he said he and his partner do these things all the time and its no big deal. Now I consider myself new old school. Meaning I am old fashioned when it comes to the foundation and value of my relationship. But I am new school when it comes to some of the rules. For example, when I went away to college in South, GA I told my guy he has my permission to get him some ass until I get back. He didn't take me up on my offer, but I was a realist and said I rather us talk about it, versus him feeling guilty for cheating.
This is a topic that I can write on and on about, but it's late so I will pick this up again soon.
Hmmm...I sometimes think that there is something wrong with me. I am 22, and I actually want a monogamous relationship. I am old school, with a dash of new in the ingriedients. I am not at all in favor of open relationships, to include online exchanges and flirting in person
ReplyDeleteMy peers however can't seem to get enough and are set on converting me to their way of thinking...
Troy, sounds like we are the vast minority when it comes to the idea of a relationship. I guess we are not meant for this wired world, lol