Soundtrack To My Life

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jam of the Week: Q-Tip "Getting Up"

I grew up listening to A Tribe Called Quest, and til' this day I believe they are one of the greatest hip-hop groups EVER. When they broke up in 1998 I shed a little tear, because to me it signified that hip hop just became not so special, and I was right. The shit that has been feed to the public for the last 10 years barely qualifies as music, let alone HIP-HOP. When I heard Q-Tip was coming out with a new album after a 9-year hiatus I was equal parts excited and skeptical. After all we are living in an age were Lil Wayne, T-Pain, and T.I. pretty much rule the radio, and all the "old folks" of hip-hop have been forced into retirement. I picked up the album November 4, 2008 and I haven't been able to listen to anything else in the last two weeks. It is simply an amazing album. TRUE hip-hop fans rejoice!!! We now have an album we can call our own. Check out the first single "Getting Up" in the video above. ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Thx for the heads-up on Q-tip - I will have to check on Amazon for the recording - Peace -
