If I must say the one thing I don't like about my life since I am now out of the closet sort of speak is the fact that all my friends and close associates are either gay, bi, bi-curious, or just plain confused. I am trying to think do I have any straight MALE friends anymore, and I can't think any. I have guys at the job I'm cool with, but I haven't announced to them I'm gay, because for one it shouldn't matter, and two its not an aspect of my life I feel I need to shout from the mountain tops. I don't go around with it on my business card like it's a slogan... "Shawn Benjamin...gay since 1998". I am at a point if someone were to ask me I would tell the truth. One of my friends at work who I have really gotten cool with always ask about "my wife" (because I were a band on my finger), and I want to tell him so bad I don't have a wife, but I am married, just to see if he catches on. The thing about gay man, straight man relationships is that they are so damn complicated depending on the men involved. It seems like if I do get to know a straight guy as a chill buddy or whatever and I tell them I'm gay they either slowly disconnect themselves from me, or slowly try to get with me. Their is no gray area, purely black and white.
My family has arrived to a point that everybody I introduce them to is most likely gay or lesbian. This saddens me. Just because I am gay doesn't mean I only want gay people in my life. I was talking with my best friend about this troubling fact in my current life, and he said this will change as I get older. As I continue to mature and meet more mature minded people that my sexuality won't be an issue. I will have friends of all walks of life. I hope this does come to be. I don't want to be bound to my friends by gayness. I don't want those in my life who are NOT gay to be gay by association. I just want to be a regular guy with regular friends. Is that to much to ask?
yeah this gayness is such a segregation till it isn't funny...I guess the most important thing is self love and happiness while surrounding yourself with positive energy from gay AND straight persons...
ReplyDeleteOne of my friends and I have discussed this exact point. It is very upsetting because what it really speaks to is where the world stands in terms of acceptance of gay bruthas. And like your title suggests, the lack of acceptance does indeed create a restriction for us who seek to surround ourselves with a more diverse set of friends. I have to agree with thegayte-keeper, whats most important is surrounding ourselves with positive energy who are supportive.