There is a discrimination crisis going on within the black gay community. Actually there are several internal discriminatory issues within the bgc, but there is one in particular that has me puzzled, and slightly troubled. Why don't the openly bottom boys get any love anymore? I mean I hear alot of TOPS say "man, I don't fuck wit btm niggas, I like them vers niggas" When I ask why I get the same answer... bottom boys are just to damn fem. Why in 2008 is there still a stigma on being a bottom? Is it because it goes against everything we are raised to believe about being a man. Black men are supposed to strong, and any signs of weakness are forbidden. So therefore a man that willfully classifies himself as a bottom must mean he's weak, soft, a punk, a girly man, etc. Being an ATL resident I find this extremely puzzling. I personally know so many self proclaim TOPS that take more dick than even the biggest bottoms out there. And this seems to be the norm. I hear so many stories about men posing as Tops in their A4A or M4N ad, but when it's time to get busy they the first ones to spread their legs. I believe there is still a stigma that if you a bottom then you a woman...period. Afterall, bottoms are usually much more flamboyant, feminine, and visibly more clockable than tops. I personally know alot of bottoms that when it comes to online dating classify themselves as vers. I guess in their eyes this makes them more masculine then staying true to their role as bottom. I am not afraid to say that I get penetrated , and trust me when I say I am far from being a fem bot. Then again I'm not a true bottom either. I mean I got a pipe I love to use frequently. Does this fact add to my masculinity? What if I decided to no longer put my dick in a nice ass? Would that banish me to a lifetime in femworld, usa?
Further more I have discovered a new type of bottom that I didn't know existed until just a few years ago. The really masculine bi-sexual brothas that only use their dicks on pussy, but they love being fucked down themselves. I even heard some of these guys say they sometimes have their girl put on a strap-on and let their girl fuck them. This is some crazy ass shit, but hey who am I to judge. Me personally I think labels are stupid. To me you are what you are AT THAT MOMENT IN TIME. Meaning if you label yourself a TOP, but when you with me you bottom, then I'm gonna see you as a bottom because that's what you are at that moment. Living in ATL, if I were to believe all these brothas that label themselves a TOP were being honest then that would mean this city... the blackest, gayest city on planet earth has ZERO bottoms. Glad that isn't true... if it was I would have to date the whiteboys :) I'm kidding.
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