It is 2:36 A.M. as I am writing this post. I was just awakened by one of the worst nightmares I have ever had. (In my dream)I had returned to Harrisburg, PA to see old friends and family I haven't seen in awhile. I went to visit my childhood friends "The Twins" and their family, which growing up was like my 2nd family. I walked into their home (the last one I remember them staying in) expecting to be greeted with overwhelming cheer seeing how they haven't seen me for over 6 years and all. There in the living was their oldest sister, their grandma (who we all called "Granny"), and their youngest sister. At this point these are the only people I see in the house and the mood is creepy.
The shades were drawn completely shut, and the TV was on mute. The three ladies were positioned in the room as if they were expecting me. I walked in the room excited and let out a "wassup y'all!!! I'm back!" I remember all 3 looked at me with such a cold emotionless stare that it really scared me. Granny then looks at me and says "Give me that coca cola on the table Shawn." I can't believe this... this is my 2nd family who I haven't seen since I left Harrisburg more than 6 years ago, and they are not even responding to my presence. As I am reaching for the Cola bottle the youngest sister comes from behind me and grabs me pinning my arms behind my back. I then hear the other two ladies say to me "We decided how you should die you sick faggot!" That's when I hear a tidal wave of other family members come from the basement including the twins, their older brother "Pimp", their younger brother, and a slew of their cousins, uncles, and aunts I grew up with. They all begin beating and stabbing me, and as they are doing so they are saying the most horrific things I have ever heard. I don't remember all of them but I do remember twins saying something like "We know what you did to him you faggot" as they are stabbing me as ferociously as they can.
The weird thing is that there is no blood at all in this dream, in fact I don't even remember it hurting (can you feel pain in a dream?). I just remember being scared, and thinking to myself this can't be happening. After awhile I managed to escape the torture and was somehow zapped into a police station. The cops told me and my family we have to go into witness protection because the twins and family were looking for me and they are a HUGE family. So I then zapped into a movie theatre and I buy a cookie at the concession. Somehow me buying that cookie led the twins and family to my new house. I was sitting there with my mom when they all came crashing threw my crib like the zombies in the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video. As they are all slowly closing in for the kill, Granny (leader of the pack) emerges and said "this is what you get when you touch my family" and right before she deals the death blow I wake up.
So here I am writing about it before I forget the details. Please forgive any spelling and grammar errors. It's late and my nerves are totally on edge. I can't believe the nightmare I just had. I am going to try to get back to sleep, but I don't see that happening. I am so disturbed right now.
Damn, what the fuck is going on with you and I dreaming some crazy shit. Shall we be worried...no, because we live to tell about it.