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Friday, September 12, 2008

Unconditional Love

What is unconditional love?

This is a question that is one of interpretation, meaning that it can mean different things. To me unconditional love means just as it sounds. It is love that is based on a certain characteristic, feature, condition, or situation. It is love that is built on a foundation of unbreakable emotional devotion, something that even in the grimmest of moments is strong enough to survive. It is not ever superficial. It is not founded on the premise of material or sexual fulfillment. It is a love that truly is a matter of the heart and soul.

Do I believe it exists? Why or Why Not?

I do believe unconditional love exists when it comes to certain relationship types. An example of this is the love parents have for their children. Beyond that however I have a little doubt that it exists. I have been in a relationship for most of my adult life so far and there are times I wonder if we truly would survive a storm. We sure have put each other to the test (me testing his limits more so than often) and I believe at this point there is almost nothing he can do that would make me stop loving him. So I guess my answer would be I’m on the fence on whether or not I believe unconditional love is real. I have seen so many “relationships” end because one person gained weight, or stopped having sex, or cut their hair. These of course are conditions, and having seen more of that type of relation rather than the strong bond relationships is the thing that has me undecided.

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