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Sunday, September 28, 2008


I was playing around with the mister this evening, and by playing I mean, well... use your imagination. Anyway, while playing around it acquired to me I really love the activity, but does (the pic to the left) actually have a taste? I have done it a million times by now. I have applied several food flavors to it including chocolate, strawberry, honey, pineapple, vanilla ice cream, hell even cool mint toothpaste so it can get those hard to reach areas.

Even after trying it in all those flavors there is nothing that comes close to having it in its raw form. Again I want to investigate why this is. After all it technically doesn't have a taste or flavor. So why are people quick to put it in their mouths, and say it taste so good (at least that's what I have been told). Same goes for the backyard (or for my female readers: The baby dispenser) That doesn't have a taste either I would imagine. When I was exclusively dealing with females I NEVER went down there. I always thought it would be like tasting an thawed out fish stick so why would I do that nasty shit?!

I am asking for y'all opinion. For those of you that practice oral sex. Why do you do it? The taste? The feel of a specific organ in your mouth? I must know :-)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, I do it because I LOVE the texture n' feel of it...there is NOTHING in this world that can compare to the taste of it...
