Even after trying it in all those flavors there is nothing that comes close to having it in its raw form. Again I want to investigate why this is. After all it technically doesn't have a taste or flavor. So why are people quick to put it in their mouths, and say it taste so good (at least that's what I have been told). Same goes for the backyard (or for my female readers: The baby dispenser) That doesn't have a taste either I would imagine. When I was exclusively dealing with females I NEVER went down there. I always thought it would be like tasting an thawed out fish stick so why would I do that nasty shit?!
I am asking for y'all opinion. For those of you that practice oral sex. Why do you do it? The taste? The feel of a specific organ in your mouth? I must know :-)
hmmm, I do it because I LOVE the texture n' feel of it...there is NOTHING in this world that can compare to the taste of it...