I AM...Full of Myself, should have been the name of this album. I love B', but I was bored with disc one, and confused with disc 2. I listened to the entire album twice and couldn't find anything I wanted to put on my Ipod. Come back harder B.

Note to Chris Brown, Ne-Yo, Trey Songz, Lyfe Jennings, Lloyd, Omarion, Marques Houston, Bobby Valentino, Justin Timberlake, J.Holiday, and all other R&B/ Pop kings.... DO NOT GET MARRIED, IT KILLS CAREERS.

Okay, maybe I am a "hater", but does this man really add anything to the musical landscape? Don't get me wrong the boy got some jams that I really like. But after appearing on 16 billion songs it was bound to happen I would like 1 or 2 of them. This profanity laced album doesn't really serve any purpose except to prove that AUTOTUNE is rapidly making the talentless seem like musical geniuses. Speaking of autotune...

WTF Kanye. Know I am all for changing directions, and after "Graduation" it was apparent that he needed to do something very different. I love the first half of this album. "Amazing" ft. Young Jeezy is just that., and "Say You Will" has been on constant rotation on my Ipod., but from track 7 on , this album lost me and never regained my interest. Although I hate autotune, I loved the way he uses it as an expression of his pain. It's real deep, but overall I must say I'm not a total fan of this album. Maybe in time that will change.

Okay, we all knew Badu was crazy, but this album proves that she is out of her damn mind. After a 5 year wait... that's right HALF A DECADE after the very well produced "Worldwide Underground" album, we get this... WHAT THE FUCK!!!

As a long time Joe fan this hurts me to my heart to say this, but this album straight up sucks. I LOVE Bryan Michael Cox as a producer. In fact I think he is one of the best ones alive, but even the best producers should only be used in moderation. The whole time I was listening to this album I was thinking to myself "God, Joe really needs to suck on some throat lozenges cause B. Cox is having him sounding terrible right now". Last year I told everybody that Joe's "Ain't Nothin Like Me" album was probably the most slept on album of 2007. My what a difference a year, a new record label, and an overused producer can make. I love you Joe, but this album is not hitting on nothing much at all. I love "We Need to Roll" but other than that this is an album that would have been a classic.... 15 years ago.

Remember how bad Eddie Murphy's album was? This album makes that look like "Thriller" in comparison. This is without a doubt the WORST ALBUM OF 2008. For a second I thought my alcoholic uncle with a speech disability somehow got a record deal and released an album. It should be noted that all the songs on this album are entirely written, produced, arranged, and mixed by Mr. Howard. and their is a reason for that. No self-respecting writer, producer, or sound engineer would ever come within 10 feet of this debacle. Avoid this album like the plague.

Note to Ms. Jackson: Filling more than 50% of your album with non-sensible skits does not work in today's Ipod World. Oh and by the way your oompa loompa you call your man single handily killed your career by being such a parasite that Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis no longer want to work with you. You without them is like your brother Mike with Quincy Jones, it simply does not make sense. Swallow your pride, get on your knees and beg them for forgiveness, because with your man JD you are 0 for 3.

This is by far the most overrated album of 2008. I am not a hater by any means. I actually like Lil Wayne' and I think he can rap. But this album saw anticipation we haven't seen since 50's first album, and to me was a HUGE letdown. I can name at least 5 Lil Wayne MIXTAPES that are better than this album. I felt the album lacked any real focus, and simply was a whole lot of nothing. I really like "Nothin On Me" and "Phone Home" because I thought they perfectly displayed Weezy's skill as an creative emcee. Songs like "Lollipop" and "A Milli" however were simply saved by the production. I'm not saying this was a terrible album, just a disappointing one.

One Song....One Song is all I can find on this album that I can say I like. I thought TIP was going to come out with something deep to say after all his legal trouble. I thought I was finally going to hear that T.I from the "I'm Serious" album return. But instead what I got was his worst album to date... even beating out the horrible T.I. vs T.I.P. album.

I will cut JHud some slack because of the tragedy see has had to endure this year. All I will say is that the only thing I didn't like about this album was the direction, and production. JHud's voice deserves better. Shame on you Clive Davis for trying to make her into something she's not.

Is it possible to be literally bored to death? If so then Ne-Yo is a murderer, because I was so bored with this album I nearly fell asleep on the highway while listening to it. The album starts off strong with songs like "Closer" and " Single", but soon take a noise dive into the incredibly boring pool and never comes up for air. I really enjoyed the song "So You Can Cry", and as always his song writing skills are unmatched. The problem is Ne-Yo's voice and the production. Ne-Yo at this point isn't even trying to pretend he's not channeling the great Michael Jackson with his voice and harmony arrangement. This has always been my peave with him, and this album is the worst example of that. If you need something to help you get to sleep I strongly recommend this album. It's more potent than an Ambien pill.

Okay to be fair I like this album, but I am still comparing everything he has done to that amazing debut album he released 4 years ago. It's not fair, but dammit after a album like that I expect more. I can't really find anything bad to say though. The production has great variety this time around, and seems like he is okay with not having to depend on the piano to make a great song. He even has a track by Teddy Riley that sounds great. But as I said before the first album was so great that I have no choice but to compare, and this simply doesn't.

Remember how shockingly good the Mimi album turned out? Remember how you thought to yourself "MC is back bitches!" ? Remember hearing "Touch My Body" and thinking her album was going to be the bomb? Well we were right, it is the bomb. A BIG HUGE BOMB, and not the good kind. What the hell happened this time around? I mean the album has no signature MC jams on it. Not even her savior Jermaine Dupri came through with those patented made for radio songs like he did on the last album. To say I was let down would be an understatement. 2008 was their the Queens (Janet, Beyonce, Mariah) let me down. Speaking of which...

The promise huh? Well if the promise was that you would make another classic like the "One Wish" album you made a decade ago then you have come up short...literally. 10 tracks are you kidding me? Don't get me wrong the album is good, but 10 tracks?! This is not the 80's girl. We demand at least 13 songs on an album in the Ipod World of today. To make up for this all you need to do is release 3 FREE tracks to anyone who bought the album, and you would be back in my good graces.

Okay, maybe I am just not hearing it, but what is so great about this girl? My friends were building her up like she was the second coming of Jill Scott, so I picked up the album... FLAT! I mean I guess she has potential, but on this effort I can't give her my seal of approval.

Yes I know I already mentioned this album. But it is so bad that I simply must tell you again. I have heard Congressional speeches that are better than this album. I have heard better singing from sick cats than I heard on this album. It is so bad that it must be heard. Go get this album!